Contoh Soal Adverb Of Manner Pilihan Ganda Dan Tanggapan

Contoh Soal Adverb Of Manner Pilihan Ganda Dan Tanggapan

Contoh Soal Adverb of Manner Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban – Adverb of manner ialah adverb (kata keterangan) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan cara sebuah acara dilaksanakan atau insiden terjadi.

How (bagaimana) mampu dipakai untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan adverb of manner.

Posisi Adverb of Manner di dalam Kalimat :

Adverb of manner dapat menempati berbagai macam posisi di dalam kalimat, adalah:

Posisi Adverb of Manner Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Manner
sesudah main verb bila tidak ada direct object He always drives fast.
(Dia selalu mengemudi dengan segera.)
sehabis main verb + object
(transitive verb)
He read the instructions carefully.
(Dia membaca kode dengan hati-hati.)
diantara auxiliary verb dengan main
Things will slowly come together.
(Segalanya akan secara perlahan menjadi baik.)
Soal Adverb of Manner Pilihan Ganda

1 – 15 Contoh Soal Adverb of Manner Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

1. The snail crawled…..along the path

a. Slowly

b. Brightly

c. Excitedly

d. Happily

Jawaban : A 

2. The sun shone…..through the window

a. Slowly

b. Brightly

c. Excitedly

d. Happily

Jawaban : B

3. The children in the choir sang…..

a. Slowly

b. Brightly

c. Excitedly

d. Happily

Jawaban : C

4. The twins played…in the park.

a. Slowly

b. Brightly

c. Excitedly

d. Happily

Jawaban : D

5. James ran…..and won the race.

a. Quickly

b. Cruelly

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : A

6. The giant…..ate up all the cows in the field.

Baca Juga :  Pola Soal Bola Kasti Opsi Ganda Dan Tanggapan

a. Quickly

b. Cruelly

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : B

7. The rain fell…..and we all got very wet.

a. Quickly

b. Cruelly

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : C

Simak Juga : Contoh Soal Adjective (Kata Sifat) Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

8. You must play…..or someone will get hurt.

a. Quickly

b. Cruelly

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : D

9. The witch…..turned Adam into a toad.

a. Sweetly

b. Greedily

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : A

10. The dog…..after the ball.

a. Sweetly

b. Greedily

c. Heavily

d. Carefully

Jawaban : B

11. They have learned to greet a customer …

a. Proper

b. Properly

c. Properter

d. Badder

Jawaban : B

12. The Tay Bridge was … constructed and maintained.

a. Badly

b. Badder

c. Bad

d. Properly

Jawaban : A

13.  She started to dress … at work.

a. Neat

b. More neatly

c. Neater

d. Obediently

Jawaban : B

14.  Of all my employees, Rita follows my instructions …

a. More obediently

c. The most obediently

c. Obediently

d. More neatly

Jawaban : C

15.  He acted very … when hearing angin puting-beliung sirens.

a. Calm

b. Calmler

c. Calmly

d. Faster

Jawaban : C

16 – 30 Contoh Soal Adverb of Manner Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

16.  Flying fish can’t swim … sailfish.

a. Fast

b. As fast as

c. Faster

d. Calmler

Baca Juga :  Teladan Soal Al – Qur’An Dan Hadist Opsi Ganda Dan Jawaban

Jawaban : B

17.  The word was … spelt.

a. Correct

b. Correctly

c. Correcter

d. Well

Jawaban : B

18.  My sister speaks English … than I do.

a. Better

b. Well

c. The best

d. Correctly

Jawaban : A

19.  The students have to walk … in the school.

a. calmly 

b. carefully

c. fluently

d. fast

Jawaban : A

20.  Please read the instructions … before you answer the questions. 

a. calmly 

b. carefully

c. fluently

d. fast

Jawaban : B

21.  Tom can speak English and Spanish … 

a. calmly 

b. carefully

c. fluently

d. fast

Jawaban : C

22.  My brother runs so …. 

a. calmly 

b. carefully

c. fluently

d. fast

Jawaban : D

Baca Juga : Contoh Soal Cerpen (Cerita Pendek) Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

23.  Bobi ran … and won the race.

a. quickly

b. suddenly

c. slowly

d. beautifully

Jawaban : A

24.  My friend … came to my house without letting me know first. 

a. quickly

b. suddenly

c. slowly

d. beautifully

Jawaban : B

25.  I drove my car … yesterday because the weather was foggy. 

a. quickly

b. suddenly

c. slowly

d. beautifully

Jawaban : C

26. My sister dances ….

a. quickly

b. suddenly

c. slowly

d. beautifully

Jawaban : D

27.  He can answer the hardest question …

a. easily

b. happily

c. creatively

d. greedily 

Jawaban : A

28.  They make the snowball …

a. easily

Baca Juga :  Contoh Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

b. happily

c. creatively

d. greedily 

Jawaban : B

29.  My friends and I … designed the classroom.

a. easily

b. happily

c. creatively

d. greedily 

Jawaban : C

30.  My dog ate the meat …

a. easily

b. happily

c. creatively

d. greedily 

Jawaban : D

31 – 43 Contoh Soal Adverb of Manner dan Kunci Jawaban

31.  He … gave the beggar his money.

a. generously

b. patiently

c. well.

d. greedily 

Jawaban : A

32. Putra waits his friends …

a. generously

b. patiently

c. well.

d. greedily 

Jawaban : B

33. Although my brother is still 4 years old, he can ride his bicycle …

a. generously

b. patiently

c. well.

d. greedily

Jawaban : C

34. He ate the chocolate cake ….

a. greedily

b. softly

c. loudly 

d. well

Jawaban : A

35. She spoke … 

a. greedily

b. softly

c. loudly 

d. well

Jawaban : B

36. Lania coughed … to attract her attention

a. greedily

b. softly

c. loudly 

d. well

Jawaban : C

Lihat Juga : Soal Cerita Rakyat (Hikayat) Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

37. He swims … 

a. greedily

b. softly

c. loudly 

d. well

Jawaban : D

38. He ran …

a. quickly

b. beautifully

c. greedily

d. slowly

Jawaban : A

39. Kiky plays the flute…

a. quickly

b. beautifully

c. greedily

d. slowly

Jawaban : B

40. Nila ate the chocolate cake …

a. quickly

b. beautifully

c. greedily

d. slowly

Jawaban : C

41. Wina carried out the homework … 

a. quickly

b. beautifully

c. greedily

d. slowly

Jawaban : D

42. Marila got up early and cooked breakfast…

a. quickly

b. greedily

c. greedily

d. slowly 

Jawaban : A

43. He … ate the chocolate cake.

a. quickly

b. greedily

c. greedily

d. slowly

Jawaban : B