Contoh Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

Contoh Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

Contoh Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban – coordinate conjunction ialah bentuk kata hubung yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan suatu kalimat yang sederajat. Kata hubung coordinate conjunction dipakai untuk compound sentence untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause dalam compound sentence.

Ada tujuh macam coordinating conjunctions, diantaranya: 

  • For menerangkan argumentasi, alasannya adalah atau tujuan.
  • And untuk menyertakan satu hal ke hal yang lain.
  • Nor dipakai untuk mengungkapkan pernyataan negatif.
  • But membuktikan kondisi kontras.
  • Or menunjukan opsi.
  • Yet menunjukan kondisi kontras.
  • So menandakan dampak atau akhir.

Agar lebih gampang diingat, coordinating conjunctions umumnya disingkat menjadi FANBOYS.

Soal Coordinating Conjunction

1 – 10 Contoh Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

1. She is tired … she works really hard.

a. Neither … nor

b. And

c. For

d. Nor

Jawaban :  C

2. Aji doesn’t smoke, … drink.

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a. Neither … nor

b. And

c. For

d. Nor

Jawaban : D

3. I love watching drama … action movies.

a. And

b. But

c. Or

d. Yet

Jawaban : A

4. Mia likes cakes … hates cookies.

a. And

b. But

c. Or

d. Yet

Jawaban : B

5. We can eat pizza … steak for dinner.

a. And

b. But

c. Or

d. Yet

Jawaban : C

Simak Juga : Contoh Soal Conjunction Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

6. He is sick, … he is working.

a. And

b. But

c. Or

d. Yet

Jawaban : D

7. Jim was hungry, … he ate all burger.

a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since

Jawaban : A

8. They eat … watch television at the same time.

a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since

Jawaban : B

9. We are going to the beach … we finish taking the exam.

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a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since

Jawaban : C

10. I would go to my friend’s party, … I have a lot of homework.

a. Nevertheless

b. Therefore

c. Whereas

d. While

Jawaban : A

11 – 20 Soal Coordinating Conjunction Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

11. Many students failed in the mid test, … you should study hard.

a. Nevertheless

b. Therefore

c. Whereas

d. While

Jawaban : B

12. Toni doesn’t like wasting his money … he has a lot of money.

a. Nevertheless

b. Therefore

c. Whereas

d. While

Jawaban : C

13. … I was eating fried chicken, my little sister came.

a. Nevertheless

b. Therefore

c. Whereas

d. While

Jawaban : D

14. Diah is very smart, … the teacher likes her.

a. So

b. Yet

c. Or

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d. But

Jawaban : A

15. Thomas says nice words, … you don’t trust him.

a. So

b. Yet

c. Or

d. But

Jawaban : B

Baca Juga : Soal Clause Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

16. Does Ben have any brothers … sisters?

a. So

b. Yet

c. Or

d. But

Jawaban : C

17. I have got a home, … I haven’t got a car.

a. So

b. Yet

c. Or

d. But

Jawaban : D

18. … my father … my mother supported me.

a. Neither … nor

b. And

c. For

d. Nor

Jawaban : A

19. Please calm down. Let’s wait … see.

a. Neither … nor

b. And

c. For

d. Nor

Jawaban : B

20. . … we have lived in Paris, we have gone to every exhibit at the museum.

a. So

b. And

c. After

d. Since

Jawaban : D