Acuan Soal Noun Phrase Pilihan Ganda Dan Tanggapan

Acuan Soal Noun Phrase Pilihan Ganda Dan Tanggapan

Contoh Soal Noun Phrase Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban – Noun Phrase ialah frasa antara Noun, Pronoun atau Number (berfungsi selaku head) dan satu atau lebih modifier. Frasa Kata benda digunakan saat single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk kata benda.

A noun phrase ialah suatu phrase yang berisikan;

  • a noun (also called head)
  • and optionally modifiers

Sama halnya dengan kata benda, noun phrase juga mampu berfungsi selaku subject, object, dan juga complement..

Soal Noun Phrase

1 – 10 Contoh Soal Noun Phrase Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

1. Mitsuha is a … girl with red … and … type hairstyle.

a. Beautiful, skies, black

b. Beautiful, hand, twisted

c. Beautiful, ribbon, ponytail

d. Good, smart, ugly

Jawaban : C

2. The … student with … and … colored hair is Taki, my friend.

a. Handsome, short, brown

b. Beautiful, black, smart

c. Smart, long, short

d. Blue, short, black

Jawaban : A

3. They Hope to win the main prize of the competition

a. They Hope to

b. To win

c. The main prize of the competition

d. The main prize

Jawaban : C

4. The Children at the school tried to solve the math dilema

a. The Children

b. At the school

c. Tried to solve

d. To solve the math problem

Jawaban :  D

5. Did you enjoy watching the movie?

a. Watching the movie

b. Did you

c. Did you enjoy

d. Enjoy watching

Baca Juga :  Acuan Soal Indefinite Pronoun Opsi Ganda Dan Jawaban

Jawaban : A

Simak Juga : Soal Interrogative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

6. The girl wants to go home

a. The girl

b. To go home

c. The girl wants

d. Wants to go

Jawaban : B

7. The girl denied yelling her friend

a. The girl denied

b. Yelling her friend

c. Denied yelling

d. Her friend

Jawaban : B

8. The culprit refuse to answer the question

a. The culprit refuse

b. The question

c. To answer the question

d. Refuse to answer

Jawaban : C

9. The dogs prefer living in light stables

a. Prefer living

b. Living in light staples

c. The dogs prefer living

d. The dogs

Jawaban : B

10. To text your ex-wife is disgraceful

a. To text your ex-wife

b. Your ex-wife is disgraceful

c. Your ex-wife

d. Is disgraceful

Jawaban : A

11 – 20 Soal Noun Phrase Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

11. They will hate to do such a homework

a. They will hate

b. To do such

c. To do such a homework

d. A homework

Jawaban : C

12. She dislikes having to cut her hair

a. She dislikes

b. Having to

c. To cut her hair

d. Her hair

Jawaban : C

13. A rare ring (silver) …

a. A rare silver ring

b. A beautiful young lady

c. A good-looking young lady

d. A wonderful classic house

Jawaban : A

14. A young lady (beautiful)….

a. A rare silver ring

b. A beautiful young lady

c. A good-looking young lady

d. A wonderful classic house

Baca Juga :  Teladan Soal Etos Kerja Dalam Islam Opsi Ganda [+Jawaban]

Jawaban : B

15. A good-looking lady (young) ….

a. A rare silver ring

b. A beautiful young lady

c. A good-looking young lady

d. A wonderful classic house

Jawaban : C

Lihat Juga : Soal Indefinite Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

16. A classic house (wonderful)….

a. A rare silver ring

b. A beautiful young lady

c. A good-looking young lady

d. A wonderful classic house

Jawaban : D

17. A brown jacket (leather) ….

a. A leather brown jacket

b. A new Indian song

c. Curly blonde hair

d. A gloomy cloudy day

Jawaban : A

18. An Indian song (new)….

a. A leather brown jacket

b. A new Indian song

c. Curly blonde hair

d. A gloomy cloudy day

Jawaban : B

19. Curly hair (blonde)….

a. A leather brown jacket

b. A new Indian song

c. Curly blonde hair

d. A gloomy cloudy day

Jawaban : C

20. A cloudy day (gloomy)….

a. A leather brown jacket

b. A new Indian song

c. Curly blonde hair

d. A gloomy cloudy day

Jawaban : D

21 – 30 Contoh Soal Noun Phrase dan Jawaban

21. A cold bath (unusual)….

a. An unusual cold bath

b. An ugly green shirt

c. A new big black car

d. A big silver metal box

Jawaban : A

22. An ugly shirt (green)….

a. An unusual cold bath

b. An ugly green shirt

c. A new big black car

d. A big silver metal box

Jawaban : B

23. A black car (new/big)….

a. An unusual cold bath

b. An ugly green shirt

c. A new big black car

d. A big silver metal box

Jawaban : C

24. A big box (metal/silver)….

Baca Juga :  Teladan Soal Bahaya Disintegrasi Bangsa Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

a. An unusual cold bath

b. An ugly green shirt

c. A new big black car

d. A big silver metal box

Jawaban : D

25. A round face (chubby)….

a. A chubby round face

b. A long narrow avenue

c. A small thin grey cat

d. A new terbaru big town

Jawaban : A

26. A narrow avenue (long)….

a. A chubby round face

b. A long narrow avenue

c. A small thin grey cat

d. A new terbaru big town

Jawaban : B

Baca Juga : Soal Greeting Card Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

27. A small cat (thin/grey)….

a. A chubby round face

b. A long narrow avenue

c. A small thin grey cat

d. A new terbaru big town

Jawaban : C

28. A big town (new/terbaru)….

a. A chubby round face

b. A long narrow avenue

c. A small thin grey cat

d. A new modern big town

Jawaban : D

29. A short dress (pretty)…

a. A pretty short dress

b. A beautiful old Roman painting

c. A small black leather bag

d. An old white wooden house

Jawaban : A

30. An old painting (beautiful/Roman)…

a. A pretty short dress

b. A beautiful old Roman painting

c. A small black leather bag

d. An old white wooden house

Jawaban : B

31. A black bag (leather/small)….

a. A pretty short dress

b. A beautiful old Roman painting

c. A small black leather bag

d. An old white wooden house

Jawaban : C

32. An old house (wooden/white)….

a. A pretty short dress

b. A beautiful old Roman painting

c. A small black leather bag

d. An old white wooden house

Jawaban : D