Acuan Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

Acuan Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Dan Balasan

Contoh Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan JawabanRelative Pronoun ialah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kalimat, yang membuktikan noun (kata benda). Kata benda disini mampu berupa insan, binatang, atau barang. Saat memakai relative pronoun, pasti tidak akan lepas dari relative clause. Relative clause berisikan relative pronoun yang dibarengi dengan kalimat independen lengkap dengan subjek dan kata kerja.

Rumus relative pronoun:

S + V + O (Noun) + relative pronoun + S + V


S (Noun) + relative pronoun + S + V + informasi + V

Relative pronoun meliputi mirip:

  • who
  • whom
  • whose
  • which
  • that

indefinite relative pronoun dengan suffix -ever, ialah:

  • whoever
  • whomever, dan
  • whichever
Soal Relative Pronoun

1 – 10 Contoh Soal Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

1. It was Hsna … couldn’t stop fooling around.

a. Which

b. Whom

c. That

d. What

Jawaban : C

2. Mily is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.

a. Which

b. Whom

c. Who

d. What

Jawaban : A

3. Vina’s brother, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.

a. That

b. Whom

c. Who

d. Which

Jawaban : C

4. The car … was bought by Adam two year ago has broken down so many times.

a. Whom

b. Which

c. Whose

d. That

Jawaban : B

5. The man … is eating ramen noodles on the convenience store lives near my house.

a. Which

b. Who

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c. Whom

d. That

Jawaban : B

Simak Juga : Soal Reflexive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

6. The poor boy is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.

a. Which

b. That

c. Whose

d. Who

Jawaban : A

7. The worker … you are looking won’t be back to the office today.

a. Whom

b. For whom

c. To whom

d. Whose

Jawaban : B

8. Marie Curie, … husband worked as a laboratory instructor, was a pioneer in the field of radiology.

a. Whose

b. Who

c. Whom

d. That

Jawaban : A

9. It was Sarah … couldn’t stop fooling around.

a. Whom

b. That

c. Which

d. Whose

Jawaban : B

10. The man ….. answered the phone was rather rude

a. Which

b. That

c. Whom

d. Who

Jawaban : B

11 – 20 Contoh Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

11. Where are the people …….. ordered the taxi?

a. That

b. Which

c. Whom

d. Who

Jawaban : A

12. I’ve lost the paper …… I had written her phone number on

a. Not

b. Whose

c. That

d. Who

Jawaban : C

13. The day …… I started work there was a disaster

a. Which

b. That

c. Where

d. Who

Jawaban : C

14. The man ……. interviewed you is the boss

a. That

b. Will

c. Which

d. Who

Jawaban : A

15. The man ……. house was robbed has still not been paid by the insurance company

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a. Which

b. That

c. Whose

d. Who

Jawaban : C

16. The people ……. moved in next door seem very friendly

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Which

d. That

Jawaban : A

17. He’s got three dogs, all of ….. are aggressive

a. Which

b. That

c. Yes

d. Who

Jawaban : A

18. The person … I want to send this package has moved to unknown location.

a. To whom

b. Whom

c. From whom

d. Which

Jawaban : A

19. Who’s moved the papers …… I left on my desk?

a. Who

b. Whom

c. That

d. Which

Jawaban : A

20. You should complain to the people ……. supplied it

a. Not all

b. Who

c. Which

d. That

Jawaban : B

21 – 30 Soal Relative Pronoun Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

21. They arrested the man …… was over the alcohol limit

a. That

b. Which

c. Whom

d. Who

Jawaban : A

22. The men, ……. were in a hurry, didn’t finish the job properly

a. That

b. Who

c. Which

d. Whom

Jawaban : B

23. The pub, …….. lost its licence, has been turned into a shop

a. Which

b. That

c. Where

d. Who

Jawaban : A

24. Two guys, ……. car had broken down, asked me for a lift

a. Whose

b. Whom

c. Which

d. Who

Jawaban : A

25. I’d love to meet the idiot …… made these rules

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a. That

b. Which

c. Whose

d. Who

Jawaban : A

26. She failed the exam, …… came as a great surprise to us all

a. Whose

b. Which

c. That

d. Who

Jawaban : C

27. The film, …… lasted for three hours, was boring

a. That

b. Which

c. Whom

d. Who

Jawaban : B

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28. The flats, ……. will house over two hundred families, were completed last month

a. Whose

b. That

c. Which

d. Who

Jawaban : C

29. The boxer …… career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night

a. Whose

b. Whom

c. Who

d. That

Jawaban : A

30. The bag … was bought by my mother two year ago has broken.

a. Which

b. Whom

c. Who

d. What

Jawaban : A

31. Ruby, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.

a. That

b. Whom

c. Who

d. What

Jawaban : C

32. The woman … is eating burger, lives near my house.

a. Which

b. Whom

c. Who

d. What

Jawaban : C

33. People … eat fruits and vegetables may have more attractive skin color.

a. That

b. Which

c. Whom

d. Whose

Jawaban : A

34. The software … maker was unknown was used by many retailers.

a. That

b. Whom

c. Whose

d. Which

Jawaban : C